status: practicing at my new workplace, dreaming of soup(๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑)
i'm not a robot

this is an archive, a time capsule and an almanach. think adout this as a shrine to ME and only ME beloved ♥ this place wasn't made to appease to any of the visitors who stumbled upon, nor my closer people and those who were given the link. i'm fine if nobody ever visits this page, but i'll be grateful to discover that someone found this curious enough to stay

upcoming pages: sims, music, diary, social media, sociology, visual resources, curious cites, oldies, movie and tv thoughts, likes/fandoms/info, my cat, more soon?

one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one

two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two!

This section has autoscroll so you can spam it as much as you want :D!

For examples as to how I've used this theme, click here to go to my site! I'll spam some text so you can see how that looks.

meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow

marie aka slowdancetodeath

21 y.o. i study sociology and spend days getting nostalgic over the years of my infancy

Transparent White Star